
John Elliot Gardiner reveals another side of JS Bach

I saw this in the Guardian.  Conductor, John Elliot Gardiner has new book entitled "Music in the Castle of Heaven."  On Bach's school in Thuringia, Gardiner writes that it was largely attended by the children of bourgeois tradespeople. However, he also sites documents which damn the boys as "rowdy, subversive, thuggish, beer- and wine-loving, girl-chasing … breaking windows and brandishing their daggers".

This is the Bach, I've heard about from my organ teachers, though, not the one I read about in my music history classes.  I appreciate that one of my favorites could quote scripture, and still pick up chicks.


Secrets of Organ Playing

I found this web site by Lithuanian organist, Dr. Vidas Pinkevicius.  He has many short master classes on topics ranging from  improvisation and articulation to organ building.  Even if you know some of these things, there is something for every organist to take away from this site.